What is the SoCal Antifa?
The SoCal Antifa is an alliance between multiple local affinity groups who are united in their opposition of Fascism, by any means necessary.
Who’s in charge of The SoCal Antifa?
The affinity groups who make up The SoCal Antifa practice decentralization. Meaning, all organizing is done horizontally. There is not one affinity group nor individual who has been granted more power over the other. Any funding for our efforts are done through either community based fundraising or (more frequently) comes out of our own wallets.
How was the SoCal Antifa formed?
The concept of The SoCal Antifa was created from the ashes of the April 2021 White Lives Matter rally when anti-fascist groups throughout Southern California realized that fascists are willing to drive from Bakersfield to San Diego without a second thought. We must meet them on that playing field in order to have an effective response.
Are the SoCal Antifa agitators?
The only purpose for The SoCal Antifa is to disrupt fascist organizing by any means necessary. Because of this philosophy the SCA often get labeled “agitators” by multiple news outlets We heavily disagree with this sentiment, we respond to threats on the community. If we do not respond, the chances are high that these communities (especially marginalized/underserved communities) will experience acts of violence by the Right. The Harlowe/Abby July-August 2021 protests demonstrate this point pretty well. A group of far-right anti-vaccination protesters gathered in West Hollywood and started to mace innocent bystanders, shouted homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic slurs at patrons, and violently assaulted both random people and press.
Will the SoCal Antifa give information to the FBI or local police?
We do not work with the state. No exceptions. We do not rely on police to respond to fascist threats.
Was “this person” a part of The SoCal Antifa?
We typically do not go to fascist rallies by ourselves, the odd example of anti-vaccination protesters getting shoved, pushed, or punched often times are strangers who are sick of your bullshit